Advance Digital Multilateralism
The digital ecosystems of data, analytics and applications are not confined to national boundaries, nor yet governed by the international community in an effective and inclusive manner. Instead, a handful of companies now have the ability to influence human attitudes and behaviours at a planetary scale with more money, power and reach than most national governments.
For strong digital innovation ecosystems, we need to promote a culture of open collaboration and co-creation between governments, the private sector and civil society. This new kind of digital translateralism and multilateralism, alongside collaborative policymaking should serve to define, implement and apply international standards and safeguards for a global, inclusive, and sustainable digital ecosystem.
Additionally, opportunities to incorporate Indigenous and traditional knowledge and expertise should be leveraged when designing solutions for global sustainability. Finally, while respecting all nations’ sovereignty over their data, we must promote good data governance and stewardship that ensures the timely availability of relevant data in a user-friendly, accessible, portable, machine-readable and actionable format.