Towards our Common Digital Future by German Advisory Council on Global Change
‘Digitalization’ is often described as a huge upheaval facing our societies to which we must adapt. The WBGU opposes this interpretation, saying that digitalization must be shaped in such a way that it can serve as a lever and support for the Great Transformation towards Sustainability, and can be synchronized with it. The WBGU understands digitalization broadly as the development and application of digital and digitalized technologies that augment and dovetail with all other technologies and methods. It has a profound effect on all economic, social and societal systems and is developing an ever greater transformative force. This in turn is increasingly having a fundamental impact on people, societies and the planet itself and must therefore be managed accordingly. Just as in 1987 the Brundtland Report entitled ‘Our Common Future’ outlined the concept of Sustain-able Development, the WBGU’s report entitled ‘Towards Our Common Digital Future’ sketches the concept of a digitalized sustainability society.
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